Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to download using curl

Hello, I'm new on Mac, previously I'm using MS Windows and I still use it on my office. The first thing when I'm using my mac is "Where is my free download manager, where I can perform resume on my download?". Nix platform already has great tools to download "curl". How do I download using curl.

When you want to download, you have to find the URL for an example "http://www.downloads.com/filetodownload.zip".
To start download you can type

curl -C - -O http://www.downloads.com/filetodownload.zip

You can cancel your download or there might be an network error found, we can resume the download as long the server support for the resuming.

just type the same command on the same directory

curl -C - -O http://www.downloads.com/filetodownload.zip

Thats it, the download will resume.

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