Saturday, September 8, 2007

Why I love jEdit

jEdit, this is an awsome programmer's text editor. Might some of people said that the user interface is ugly, but it's powerful, believe me.
Give it a try for some time range, try to find out "how do I do things in jEdit", try to see the available plugins.
Here is my favourit plugins:
  1. Buffer Tabs
  2. Project Viewer
  3. Open It (just assign shortcut here ctrl+shift+o, and set the refresh interval to 10 seconds, and automatic import path to project path)
  4. Sidekick
  5. Error List
  6. Plugins related to xml things
  7. Ruby plugins if you want to use Ruby application
  8. PHP Plugins if you want to develop PHP application
  9. SuperAbbreviations (this is cool)
The most great thing is free of charge.


bervin said...

khusus buat Java?
kebanyakan maen jEdit, jd jarang mosting blog....huahahaha....

Sukma Verdianto said...

You have to look at Komodo Edit. :)
I use this to develops PHP & Ruby applications.

Uudashr said...

jEdit itu bukan cuma buat java om, tapi ini barang general text editor kayak UltraEdit, pspad, notepad++, TextMate, dll.
And the greatest of all is free and its powerful enough.

bervin said...

oke2...jadi saingannya mereka2 itu toh.... :o

Jonathan said...

Cool stuff - trying out SuperAbbrevs now.

Here's my post on why I love jEdit:

yay! said...

hidup lo penuh dengan otak ya ud?
otak lo penuh dengan Java ya ud?
hidup lo java ya ud?
apa hidup lo otak2 java?
